kindness is humanity
kindness spread
Random acts of kindness
Internet of kindness is a platform that is dedicated to provide, and share
Kindness acts to make this world kinder step by step.
Welcome To IOK
About Kindness
Kindness is something everyone can use. No matter how old you are, it’s necessary to make your day better. Kindness increases your dopamine and increases your focus, creativity, and motivation. Overall it’s an excellent thing to have in your daily life. Random Act Of Kindness doesn’t have to be something big like selling your house and donating all the money to charity; it can also be as simple as giving a flower to a stranger. The actual reason Random acts of kindness provide us with dopamine is that it’s built-in us. Dopamine is linked with a sense of pleasure, and when we do these acts, it makes us more energetic and happier than ever….. Read More
What is RAK
A RAK is an acronym for Random act of kindness.
RAK's, no matter how big or a small, can initiate a chain of positive chain reaction.
Just one RAK can make three parties happier;
- The Giver
- The Receiver
- Whoever watches or hears about kindness
Random Acts of Kindness
About Me
My name is Krrish and I started doing RAK’S when I was 10 years old. I will always remember July 16th of 2019 as the day I made my first video with my mom and the start of my journey to spread kindness. Since then I’ve learned so much, not only from doing RAKS, but from the people I’ve met too. I look forward to learning even more on my journey to spread kindness to as many people as I can. I hope that you will join me in being a kindness warrior and make the world a kinder place step by step.
My Story
As a kid, you have very limited options when it comes to doing things that cost lots of money, for example maybe helping people get off the streets. Every day whenever I saw a homeless person I thought of ways I could help but nothing came to mind. It just seemed too hard…
Then my mom told me about the 21 Day Kindness Challenge. She challenged me to do one act of kindness for anyone at least once a day.
It didn’t matter how much I did, just that I did something kind for someone else.
At first I was a bit scared because I thought that my small actions wouldn’t be appreciated
or be considered more annoying than helpful.
However, because my mom had challenged me, I didn’t back down and began doing at least one kind thing a day for 21 days.

At the end of those 21 days I felt happier than ever,
and no, not because I was done with the challenge,
but because my small acts of kindness were returned with big smiles.
And those smiles made my whole world brighter.
Those smiles made me realize that I made a difference no matter how small my acts were,
because to someone else it could mean the whole world.
After that I decided to make my 21 Day Kindness Challenge into an Infinite Days Kindness Challenge. I hope that one day with each titbit of kindness I put out, I can make the sun shine brighter for the whole world.
My Inspiration

My inspirations are my mom and Om Swami Ji. I will always be grateful for my mom as her challenge helped me realize the power of kindness early on in life. She is a very hard worker and her example helps me to try and work harder myself. By learning about Om Swami Ji, specifically the way he lives his life and his principles, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of true kindness.
Kindness Changes Everything
"The biggest problem with poverty is the shame that comes with it. When you give the best you have to someone in need, it translates into something deeper to the receiver. It means they are worthy. If it's not good enough for you, it's not good enough for those in need. Giving the best you have does more than feed an empty belly – it feeds the soul."
― Om Swami, The Book of Kindness
Kindness is contagious
Be Kind | See Kind | Do Kind
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